Hi class,

My Name is Madelene, and I am a transfer student from Santa Barbara City College (and an international student from Sweden).  I am a communication major, and am lucky to have an awesome internship experience at ChicExecs PR department, a company run by ONLY women - Gilrpower!!!

During my free time I love to practice Yoga, go to the beach, hike, and go to Happy Hour for Margaritas, and explore new places :D  

Future goals: To become better at surfing and pay more attention to riding the wave than fighting for my life every time I get hit my by (what I consider) a big wave. 

Things I dislike: waking up early in the morning, morning classes, spiders and angry people. 

One of my absolutely favorite things to do is travel! I was super duper over Scholl when I graduated Gymnasium in Sweden (kind of, sort of like a mix High School & College), and took about three years off from school to just explore cool places and countries. I believe that people grow and get a better perspective of life when visiting other cultures and countries.  Therefore my blog will be a travel blog about Sweden.  I assume that most of you have not been to Sweden, so this will be your guide for both summer and winter seasons.  I will also include some fun facts about swedes that is actually pretty spot on!

Hopefully this will make you want to explore my home country, if not, you at least know where you don't want to go.



Frlåt för dålig uppdatering men det har varit fullt upp och bloggen har helt enkelt inte varit första prioretering om man säger så :)
Men igår var sista dagen i skolan och där med sista provet för denna termin. Det har gått bra i alla klasserna och ser fram emot en långt och härligt lov utan skola och jobb.
På torsdag kommer jag hem till sverige också, och Chris har jag med mig, så snart ses vi på hemma plan :)